Our holistic mission of evangelization is a call to actualize God’s kingdom of love, justice and peace in the world of our times. This mission is actualized in the following apostates / ministries determined by the signs of the times and needs of the people among whom the Sisters of Our Lady of Fatima live.
Education for empowerment and life. In our forty eight years of education ministry we have provided qualitative education to a variety of target groups. We are involved in management of and teaching in primary/secondary schools.
Our tradition of using the above institutions as tools for holistic Evangelization has been fruitful. For instance, our establishment of primary/ secondary schools sometimes in collaboration with the local communities of Dioceses in Northern Nigeria has helped in provision of qualitative and affordable primary/ secondary education especially in rural areas.
Such a holistic education has prepared many a young people for a fulfilled and productive life in the society. In our education ministry we seek to empower all God children to reach their full potential and work for a more fraternal and just world.
Health is wealth. OLF sisters in health ministry continue the holistic healing ministry of Jesus to the sick in our health institutions (hospitals, clinics, health posts etc) and special health programmes. In addition to the general health care/ medical services, we render to the sick we also offer several specialized health services such as primary health care, material and child care, care for people living with HIV/AIDS, prevention of HIV/AIDS from mother to child, care for orphans and vulnerable children, services for people with Tuberculosis (TB) pastoral /spiritual care given to patients and staff in our health institutions etc.
In collaboration with the Benedictine Monks in Ewu, Nigeria we are involved in traditional healing ministry through the use of herbs. The regular feedbacks from our patients testify to the fact that many especially the poor and people with infertility problems have benefited immensely from this ministry. We have also opened Herbal clinic in Jos.
Various Social Development Services to various categories of people among whom we live, depending on their needs. We take special interest in empowering children, women and youths, the poor and marginalized.
Through our various programmes and activities we help them develop their potential and empower them for a meaningful and productive life in the society.
We organize workshops or training programmes on leadership, peace building, Development, Empowerment of women and youth, HIV/AIDs, etc. Examples of our Empowerment programmes for women especially widows, women living with HIV/AIDs and young people include – loan schemes, training skills e.g knitting, provision of employment opportunities in our institutions, Scholarship awards for poor pupils/student etc.
Pastoral and Spiritual Care Centre – OLFs have a unique way of participating actively in the parish and empowering categories of people for rich, healthy and living relationship with God and humans and for authentic and meaningful living of their Christian vocations in life through right relationships, home visitations, conducting retreats, workshops, giving talks/Lectures; catechesis for families, youths, Church organizations, special care for the sick and house-bound, ongoing Spiritual Advisers/Directors to various church Organization and pious societies (at parish, Diocesan and National Levels) and participate actively in Laity/ Catechetical Week Programmes in their Parishes and other parishes on invitation.
OLFs who serve in Pastoral/Social Centres bring home to their guests the hospitality of Christ in the Centres. They make such centres welcoming and conducive for prayer, rest, Conference, meetings, retreats etc. Offering of opportunities for quiet and prayer give such pastoral centres a Catholic character
Family Life Ministry – As a congregation, Fatima Sisters Marriage and Family Alive Programme- (FASMAFAP) is another ministry that is very dear to our heart.
Through family life ministry OLFs take time to adequately prepare the young for a delicate and tasking vocation of marriage and also help in ‘servicing’ marriages of those who have been on the road of vocation of marriages for long. They help the later to fan the ‘fire of love’ in their marriages into a brighter flame through their life-giving programmes.
Encounter programmes which have transformed many marriages and families and prepared young people for happy and grace-filled married life.
Prison Ministry -“In Prison you came to see me” Mt. 25:33
The prison ministry taken up by the OLF sister in response “to the injunction of Jesus who said, – as long as you did it to the least of these brethren you did to me”.
The OLF sisters involved in the prison ministry see their mission as that of serving Christ in the least of his brethren. This service is carried out in various ways in meeting the pastoral and human needs of the prisoners.
Catechesis, providing opportunities for celebration of the Sacraments e.g. Eucharist, Reconciliation, Baptism, meeting of personal needs etc.